Medical Dashboard

Connecting doctors and patients

Revolutionizing Healthcare

A Medical Dashboard for Streamlined Doctor-Patient Interactions

Mockup showcasing the medical dashboard homepage

My Contribution

-Market & UX Research
-Design System
-High-Fidelity Design


In the rapidly evolving field of healthcare, digital tools that enhance doctor-patient interactions are more crucial than ever. That is why an e-health platform reached me to collaborate with them in turning their vision into reality. Our project, a medical dashboard for doctors, was conceptualized to streamline the management of consultations, patient notes, and data.

Spanning a brisk two months, this project required swift, effective execution to secure necessary funding for production. Our multidisciplinary team comprised the CEO, marketing specialists, a developer, and medical consultants, all driven by a shared goal to enhance healthcare delivery.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was developing a comprehensive solution that addressed the intricacies of medical consultations and data management without compromising on ease of use for healthcare professionals. The project aimed to:

  • Consolidate patient data for easy access and management.
  • Streamline the consultation process with intuitive design.
  • Enhance patient care through better data management and accessibility.
Breakdown of the design process: **Market Research**: Our initial step involved an exhaustive study of existing solutions, identifying gaps in the market and areas for innovation. This phase was critical for understanding the competitive landscape and setting a solid foundation for our design strategy. **User Research**: Leveraging company data, we conducted extensive user research to understand the needs and pain points of doctors in managing patient consultations and data. This involved surveys, interviews, and analysis of user behavior patterns. **Wireframing**: With insights gathered from our research, we developed a design system and applied it to wireframes to outline the basic structure and flow of the dashboard. This stage allowed for rapid iteration and feedback from team members and select users. **High-Fidelity Design**: Transitioning from wireframes, we crafted high-fidelity designs that brought our vision to life. This phase focused on aesthetics, usability, and the incorporation of best practices in UX design. **Prototyping**: Our final step was creating a prototype that simulated the user experience. This tool was instrumental in user testing, providing valuable feedback that informed adjustments and improvements.

The Outcome

Despite our team’s dedication and the project’s potential, it was ultimately discontinued due to insufficient funding. This was a significant setback, as the prototype had demonstrated promise in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of medical consultations.

The project’s termination, while disappointing, offered invaluable lessons. It highlighted the importance of securing funding and the challenges startups face in the competitive healthcare technology sector. Personally, it reinforced the significance of resilience, adaptability, and the continuous pursuit of innovation in UX design. Reflecting on the project, exploring alternative funding avenues or a phased approach to development might have altered the outcome.


Though the medical dashboard project did not reach its intended conclusion, the experience enriched my understanding of the healthcare industry’s needs and the critical role of UX design in creating solutions that can significantly impact both practitioners and patients. This journey, with its highs and lows, underscores the importance of thorough research, agile development, and the relentless pursuit of innovation in the face of obstacles.

In the spirit of community and continuous learning, I have decided to share some of the project’s screens and UI Kit for free on Figma. My hope is that these resources can serve as a foundation or inspiration for others working on similar challenges within the healthcare sector. By sharing these designs, I aim to contribute to the broader UX and healthcare technology communities, fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual growth.

This case study serves as a testament to the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the pursuit of meaningful solutions in UX design, even when faced with unforeseen challenges.

CLICK HERE to get the Figma File.

Screens of the medical dashboard

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